Tuesday, July 23, 2024

An exhilarating off-road quad bike expedition over one of New Zealand’s most rugged coastal environments.

 Best Excursion Ever

  This truly was a highlight of our many adventures in traveling the world. We had the opportunity to go on a six hour quad ride that started at the top of  a mountain which was about 3,000 ft. high and then we rode all the way down to sea level and then back to the top.  We rode along narrow tracks that lead us up to the peaks, we forded rivers, streams, and through a lush native forest. There had been some serious rains a few days before we got there, and parts of the trails had been washed out. In one such area, the rain had washed away the trail exposing a ravine strewn with boulders that we had to slowly drive the front of the quad down onto. then pop a wheelie and gun it and try to get back up to the trail. The company we went with was so good. They had one of the guides stand by this washed-out hole and had each of us, one at a time, cross the area with him instructing us at each step of the way. There was one hill that was steep and covered in loose rocks so a guide would have us go up this hill one quad at a time. Some of the cliff sides had really soft shoulders. We almost lost our daughter over one such cliff, I was behind her so when I realized she was going over the edge, so I ran my quad's front wheel in behind her front wheel and gunned it trying to stop her from going down the mountain. Two of the guides who saw what was happening jumped off their quads and ran to help. I cannot emphasize enough how professional these guides were. 

Our whole experience was both exhilarating and undeniably fun, yet brimming with a few dangerous moments making it a journey not for the faint of heart. But this company actually had a 4-wheel drive Jeep that was available for anyone who did want to continue on the quads. This was a thrilling quad adventure that tested both my skill and nerves.  When we finished the ride we all went into the office and they gave us the local beer to end our journey. I wish I had been able to take pictures of some of these thrilling moments, but the ride demanded all my concentration. I think this is also why our daughter didn't realize she had lost one of her lenses from her glasses. Of course no one got hurt on this trip. Fun  note here: we had a doctor and his wife who was a nurse in our group, which I think gave everyone peace of mind. It literally was the best! I would 100% suggest this expedition to anyone and we actually want to go back and do it again.


I just kept thinking through this forest, "I'm in New Zealand riding a quad in this amazing country!" It just seemed so unreal.


This is us with two of the best guides! Loved them, they were so professional, and helpful.

Our Daughter said that people kept saying “Like your glasses!” and she didn’t even notice that one of her lenses had fallen out on the rough trail. We all got a good laugh out of it.

This picture doesn't do justice to how steep it was coming off this peak.  We actually had someone just stop and got off their quad because they were too nervous to go down any  further. The company had a guide that came in a jeep and picked them up. 


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An exhilarating off-road quad bike expedition over one of New Zealand’s most rugged coastal environments.

 Best Excursion Ever   This truly was a highlight of our many adventures in traveling the world. We had the opportunity to go on a six hour ...